Nerian 3D stereo vision technology for machine vision

3D depth camera, image processing, 3D stereo vision sensors, 3D stereo cameras

Nerian cameras offer high performance solutions for 3D depth perception. Thanks to the FPGA devices, the user gets maximum performance in a small form factor and with low power consumption. This makes the 3D camera systems versatile and suitable for even the most demanding applications.

The multi-talent for 3D depth perception

3D depth camera Nerian Ruby

The Nerian Ruby 3D depth camera combines the best features of two different 3D vision technologies: stereo vision and structured light. The depth camera has three image sensors: two monochrome sensors for depth perception and an additional color sensor. In addition, an infrared pattern projector has been integrated, which improves depth perception but is invisible to the color sensor.

  • Measuring range from 33 cm
  • Field of view 62° FoV
  • Inertial sensor and laser pattern projector
  • Sensor format: monochrome and color
  • Max. resolution: 1.5 MP
  • Max. disparity: 256 pixels
  • Max. frame rate: 60 fps

3D depth camera Nerian Scarlet

Nerian Scarlet combines 3D stereo camera and image processing in one device. Whether for static environments, or hard and critical real-time applications in dynamic environments, our Scarlet 3D depth camera provides you with exactly the image and depth data you need for your machine vision application.

With up to 125 fps and over 70 million 3D points per second, Scarlet offers by far the fastest 3D measurement rate in the machine vision market. In addition, Scarlet achieves an excellent resolution of up to 5 megapixels in camera and depth image.

Nerian SceneScan 3D stereo vision sensors

Nerian SceneScan Pro

Nerian SceneScan is a 3D depth perception solution which computes a 3D image of the observed environment in real-time. Using a powerful FPGA, SceneScan processes the image data from two cameras to create a depth map or 3D point cloud at a very high processing rate.

SceneScan Pro has the highest possible processing power and is therefore suitable for extremely demanding applications.

  • Supported image types: Monochromeand color
  • Max. greyscale resolution: 6.2 MP
  • Max. disparity: 256 Pixel
  • Max. frame rate: 135 fps

Nerian SceneScan

Nerian SceneScan provides accurate 3D perception even under difficult conditions, such as bright daylight, long range measurements, overlapping ranges, or even underwater measurements. Two different models are available: SceneScan and SceneScan Pro. Both models provide identical features but differ in their processing capacity. 

SceneScan is a cost-optimized version for applications with less demanding requirements.

  • Supported image types: Monochrome 
  • Max. greyscale resolution: 0.5 MP
  • Max. disparity: 128 Pixel
  • Max. frame rate: 45 fps




Karmin3 and SceneScan - a powerful team

3D stereo camera Karmin3

Karmin3 has been especially developed for easy use with Nerian SceneScan stereo vision sensor. In combination with SceneScan, Karmin3 becomes a fully featured 3D depth camera, which enables highly accurate distance measurements even in bright ambient light and over long distances.

 The stereo camera is available with two different baseline distances in order to meet the various measurement requirements:

  • 5 cm baseline distance for 3D depth measurement at near range
  • 25 cm baseline distance for better depth resolution at larger distances.


Software download

To help you get the best out of your Nerian 3D stereo vision system we provide a software collection that comprises tools, APIs and libraries for interfacing with Nerian’s SceneScan and Scarlet stereo vision sensor systems. It includes the following components:

  • libvisiontransfer: An API for C++ and Python for communicating with Nerian’s stereo vision sensor systems.
  • NVCom: A client application that provides a live display of the depth data that is delivered by Nerian’s devices.
  • GenTL producer: A GenICam GenTL compatible producer module. Use this module for integrating Nerian’s devices into existing applications that act as GenTL consumers, such as HALCON or MATLAB.
  • Examples: Example programs for C++, HALCON’s HDevelop language and MATLAB.

Firmware for Nerian Ruby, Nerian Scarlet and Nerian ScenceScan are also available for download.

The software is compatible with Windows and Linux and runs on x86 and ARM.