

Do you see every job as an opportunity for career and personal development?  You have come to the right place then. Use our global job search engine below to see what opportunities are available in your field.

Take your career to the next level!

Are you firmly established in your profession and wanting to step things up? Allied Vision is looking for people like you. We are always on the lookout for ambitious professionals who share our passion for quality and innovation and who like to make our customers happy. We offer you the chance to make a real difference in our company and to your career. You will enjoy structured career development, individual training, excellent remuneration and a collaborative work environment.



Interview with Sebastian Günther

Sebastian Günther, Head of the R&D Department

How was your career at Allied Vision?
After studying electrical engineering and various positions in the automotive and aviation industries, I joined Allied Vision in 2015 as a host software developer. My time as a developer was very much shaped by the Alvium camera series, where we really did something completely new with the ASIC development. Here I was mainly involved in Linux kernel driver development on embedded systems. I later took on the role of technical lead. During this time, I worked closely with product management by working out a corresponding market and corporate strategy together.

In 2019 I took over responsibility for the entire R&D Department. That was a big leap for me. However, my previous role gave me a lot of insights into the company and our processes. Because I was a developer at Allied Vision myself, I know the projects and products very well and have a good feeling for effort and complexity. I see that as a great advantage. We also have a great team that gives me great support in setting up, challenging and promoting the R&D of tomorrow.

What do you particularly enjoy about Allied Vision?
It is still very exciting in how many different applications cameras are used to solve specific problems. The products that we develop are based on an interesting, complex technology that fascinates me very much. So it is not difficult to identify with the product, which I personally find very important. Of course, a good working atmosphere is just as important.

What do you think defines Allied Vision?
At Allied Vision we do not shy away from tackling technologically very demanding projects and breaking new ground. We are in an exciting market and have great products. This generates a very interesting working environment. We offer great individual development opportunities. It is certainly always a matter of what you make of it and what is currently important for the company. What I find particularly at Allied Vision is that classic career paths are not always followed, but rather that potentials are looked at and how these can be awakened.

What can you give other applicants?
Anyone who, as an engineer, wants to make a difference, is not afraid of the challenge and values ​​further development, has come to the right place.

Graduate to a great career!

Have you already completed your studies, or are about to graduate? Now is your chance to put all the theoretical knowledge you have gained to good use.  You will find working at Allied Vision both highly challenging and deeply rewarding, because we offer great career development opportunities as well as the chance to work internationally.



Interview with Bernardo Luck - Application Engineer 

Bernardo: "If you like an open and honest environment, Allied Vision is the right place for you"

Bernardo Luck enjoys Allied Vision's international working environment as an Application Engineer in Ahrensburg, Germany.

Hi Bernardo, please introduce yourself and let us know about your career path and current role at Allied Vision?
In 2013, I was an Application Engineering student at Allied Vision. During this time, I made friends with many of my colleagues.  The company has a great atmosphere and I was happy to accept an offer of employment two years later.

What are your duties as an Application Engineer?
Mainly, I advise our customers with any of their product challenges. I help with all technical questions from both our customers and our sales colleagues. My responsibilities are to prepare the content of our presentations for customer trainings. For trade fairs, I prepare demos, to demonstrate our products.

What is the most exciting thing about your job?
With our customers and colleagues, I feel the multicultural experience as extremely exciting. You must adapt to the different ways of thinking of the customers and find the right "tone". It is also interesting to think in in the technical tasks and to find new ideas for solutions. Internally, we constantly exchange ideas with our colleagues, which is also great.

How did you come to know about Allied Vision?
I heard about it from fellow students.

Do you need a university degree for your job?
I studied electrical engineering with a focus on telecommunications. But you could have electrical engineering, computer science, or a programme that includes hardware design and software development.

How would you describe the company culture of Allied Vision?We have a multi-cultural working environment at Allied Vision because we are represented in Europe, North America and Asia. And despite the size of the company, I feel communication with each other as very nice, helpful and easy.

What advice can you give to other candidates?
Bring your passion and skill to complete your tasks and tackle challenges. If you like an open and honest environment, Allied Vision is the right place for you.

Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
With my growing experience and knowledge, I would like to take on more responsibility, gain more experience and possibly lead a team.

Enjoy a good look at professional life!

Looking for an internship that offers you real insight into the working world? Allied Vision offers you the opportunity to foster your academic knowledge with practical experience. Join us in the vibrant and rapidly developing world of camera technology and industrial image processing. Get to know more about the fascinating mix of applied software solutions and high-end camera technology and explore the various professional fields at Allied Vision.

You will work on innovative projects and be exposed to the latest technical developments as well as have the chance to build a contact network with our experts around the world.


Do you want to know more about the kinds of projects you will work on? Take a look at our case studies to get an idea about working at Allied Vision.


Interview with Finn

Finn: Pleasant working environment with plenty of room to grow and learn

Could you please introduce yourself briefly?
I am Finn, 26 years old and from Hamburg. I am studying medical engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology, specializing in medical and control engineering. I am particularly interested in computer-assisted image processing.

How did you hear about us?
I was looking for a working student job and quickly became aware of Allied Vision on the common job portals. I applied and was then invited for an interview.

What are your tasks as a working student in the R&D department?
I don't have any fixed routine tasks. I am employed as a student for deep learning applications and work on various projects. A typical task is the prototyping of computer vision applications and the integration of Allied Vision cameras in embedded systems. For example, I implemented a deep learning based anomaly detection with MVTec's image processing software Halcon. A camera took pictures of effervescent tablets. The program detected and located artificially added defects in the tablets. Another project was a "Human Pose Estimation" in which a camera records a video of one or more people. A deep learning algorithm then locates the person's joints and body parts. The information on the joint positions can then be used for various applications. In my case I used the positions for a simple animation of a skeleton. I'm currently working on a small moving robot that is supposed to act autonomously with its environment with the help of Allied Vision cameras and deep learning algorithms. In order to be able to navigate better, two cameras are put together in a stereo setup, whereby depth information can be calculated. There are also occasional smaller tasks in between, such as designing a camera holder or test setups with the 3D printer. In principle, I have the opportunity to determine for myself which direction I want to go in all projects and can contribute my own imaginations and ideas.

How do you feel about Allied Vision's care for you?
The support is very pleasant. Everything was new to me, especially at the beginning, and I had no idea how many things work. My supervisor always took the time to answer my questions or to specifically help me with troubleshooting. This enabled me to familiarize myself very well. If there was no time or the question was too specific, I could always turn to many other employees and thus fall back on a lot of experience in almost all areas. The most important thing for me is that I can organize my working hours flexibly and not get stressed if I fail to work for a week. This was never a problem and I was given a lot of freedom so that I could combine study and work very well.

What do you think defines Allied Vision? What are your impressions?
What really stands out for me is the friendly working atmosphere. I was able to have a good conversation with all my colleagues from the start and was always supported with questions or problems. I have the feeling that I am taken seriously and valued and not just doing the work that others are too expensive for.

Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
Hopefully I will be able to continue as before: approaching new problems with curiosity, creating prototypes with room for creativity and fun at work. It is important for me that I have a pleasant working environment and colleagues with whom I get on well, as at Allied Vision.

What advice can you give to other students?
I would encourage everyone to take on a working student job, do an internship or gain work experience in another way. Regardless of the company, you can learn a lot, including about yourself. I think in the end everyone has to and will find their way and in my experience the possibilities and chances are most likely to arise when you actively tackle things, look around to the left and right and maybe even take a detour from time to time.

Human Pose

Learn on the job at Allied Vision

During your apprenticeship, we offer you...

  • the opportunity to gain practical experience in all departments according to your training plan,
  • supplementary and exam preparation courses,
  • practical, highly qualified and dedicated trainers,
  • the chance to work with many departments all over the world and to be placed at different sites with modern working environments at all locations,
  • exiting challenges with high learning potential that you manage within a team and on your own



Bist du auf der Suche nach einem Betriebspraktikum während der Schulzeit oder einem freiwilligen Praktikum während der Ferien? Wir sind gerne bereit dir einen Einblick in die Arbeitswelt zu geben und dir so die Möglichkeiten zu bieten erste Erfahrungen in einem Industrieunternehmen zu sammeln. Je nach dem wir lange das Praktikum dauern soll und welche Abteilungen dich interessieren, gestalten wir gemeinsam mit dir die Zeit bei uns. Wir legen Wert auf Interesse an betrieblichen Abläufen, selbstständiges Arbeiten sowie Zuverlässigkeit und Motivation.

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Interview mit Lenya Recker

1. Was macht Allied Vision deiner Meinung nach aus? Was sind deine Eindrücke? 
Meine Eindrücke von Allied Vision sind sehr positiv, die Mitarbeiter sind stets freundlich, halfen gerne bei Problemen und haben versucht jede Frage zu beantworten. Außerdem haben sie einen Miteingebunden bei Aufgaben, sodass man nicht nur zuschauen konnte sondern auch aktiv mitarbeiten konnte. Aber mir wurde auch immer viel zu jeder Abteilung erklärt, dadurch wusste ich dann auch, was man in der Abteilung macht.

2. Was kannst du anderen Bewerbern auf den Weg geben?
Ich würde sagen, dass es sich auf jeden Fall lohnt, hier ein Praktikum zu machen. Ich habe Einblicke in viele Abteilungen bekommen und habe dazu noch einen Einblick ins Berufsleben erhalten. Ich bin durch das Praktikum auch einen Schritt in meiner Berufsfindung weitergekommen.

3. Was genau sind/waren deine Aufgaben?
Ich habe in viele Abteilungen reinschauen dürfen, dadurch waren meine Aufgaben auch vielfältig. Im Einkauf z.B. habe ich eine Exceltabelle erstellt, um Kabel zu vergleichen und einem Kunden ein Angebot zu erstellen. Im HR war ich bei einem Bewerbungsgespräch mit dabei…

4. Was ist das Spannende an deinem Job?
Ich finde es waren viele Dinge spannend wie z.B. als mir eine Mitarbeiterin gezeigt hat, wie die Kameras überhaupt funktionieren. Ich durfte dann an der Kamera die Objektive auswechseln und mir anschauen, was jedes Objektiv für einen Unterschied hat. Aber einfach zuhören und gucken waren spannend.

5. Wie empfindest du die Betreuung deiner Person seitens Allied Vision? 
Ich wurde sehr gut betreut und hatte bei fragen immer eine Ansprechperson. Es war alles sehr gut organisiert und man wurde freundlich behandelt. Man wurde ab und zu mitgenommen beim Mittagessen, sodass man die Pause auch nicht allein verbringen musste.

6. Wie bist du auf Allied Vision aufmerksam geworden?
Auf das Unternehmen bin ich durch einen Mitarbeiter aufmerksam geworden. Darauf hin habe ich mir die Webseite angeschaut, die einen schönen Eindruck macht und daraufhin habe ich mich dann beworben.

Interview mit Elias Schneider

1. Was macht Allied Vision deiner Meinung nach aus? Was sind deine Eindrücke? 
Allied Vision bietet viele Einblicke in viele Abteilungen, was für ein Praktikum super ist. Besonders der Einsatz in verschiedenen Abteilungen hat mein Praktikum vielfältig und nicht langweilig gemacht. Ich habe sehr viele spaßige, positive und spannende Eindrücke bekommen und in kurzer Zeit viel gelernt.

2. Was kannst du anderen Bewerbern auf den Weg geben?
Ich kann den Bewerbern den Tipp geben: Stellt Fragen, um so viele Informationen wie möglich zu bekommen.

3. Was genau sind/waren deine Aufgaben?
Ich hatte viele verschiedene Aufgaben, mit dabei waren praktische Aufgaben, aber auch viele Aufgaben am Computer, die ich selbständig bearbeiten konnte. Ich konnte aktiv mit Word oder Excel arbeiten oder sogar eine Kamera in Betrieb nehmen.

4. Was war das Spannendste an deinem Praktikum?
Spannend fand ich die Abteilung Marketing, da ich gelernt habe, wie man Werbung für Produkte macht oder Electronics, Mechanics & Optics (kurz EMO genannt), da ich eine Kamera mit einem 3D Drucker bauen konnte. Aber natürlich waren auch alle anderen Abteilungen super.

5. Wie empfindest du die Betreuung deiner Person seitens Allied Vision? 
Ich empfinde, dass jeder bei Allied Vision sehr freundlich und nett zu mir gewesen ist. Jeder hat sich die Zeit genommen mir Dinge zu zeigen.

6. Wie bist du auf Allied Vision aufmerksam geworden?
Ich bin durch meinen Vater auf Allied Vision aufmerksam geworden, der hier arbeitet.